okay so the skinny jeans didn't work out for me so well …

Posts Tagged ‘depression

Getting older can be rather depressing.  It comes and goes in phases.  The first is when you turn 30, then you get over it and then you find your way back to it.  I’m 36; someone out there my age is already retired.  Someone else has already accomplished whatever it was they had set out to do in life.  People are either kind or maybe I really do not look to be as old as I am.  I must be like 23, no more than 25, to hear them tell it.  My only explanation for that would be that I haven’t had the life that other people my age have had, haven’t done a lot of those “destructive things” or engaged in “bad habits” though I’m sure there is plenty else that I do that is.

I try to write.  I never really wanted to be a writer, I think I went through that phase where it seemed glamorous, particularly when the Internet democratized and transformed the profession.  Now everyone with any thought about anything is writing online.  Some are aware of it, others, like those in social networks, video blogs or those addicted to forums, aren’t so much.

I burned myself out on it trying to get published in print and tried to walk away from it just to relax.  Stop censoring myself so much and just said how I felt.  Stopped obsessing over the perfect form and the perfect prose, just let it come out naturally.  I get about enough cash for gasoline or some “water” of sorts.  I like the idea of the vitamins and minerals, and whatever other borderline drugs right there in the concoction.  I can calm myself down, amp myself up, whatever within reason.  I don’t like crashing and burning, and I don’t like anything illegal.  The consequences sure as hell are not worth the benefits.  I find irony in the fact that we spent the better part of the twentieth century with prohibition and the fight against drugs just to cave in and allow people to produce all sorts of things to be dispensed in a legal setting.  You have to love a culture that uses a rapper that has glorified the sale of drugs to posit a performance water that in and of itself serves as a drug. 

You also have to love a society in which soft drink companies are now the largest producers of said “water”.  Today’s cola wars are Vitamin Water vs. Sobe Life Water, Coke vs. Pepsi all over again as Coke bought out the company that makes Vitamin Water.  You have to love that; we haven’t evolved, we’ve just found a healthier, more subtle, way to do what we’ve always been doing.  Nobody seems to understand that.  I watched a video about how American Apparel is supposedly using an award winning adult film star to sell t-shirts.  I had never heard about her until now, how ironic is that.  

It’s just a matter of time before these adult film stars become mainstream movie stars anyway.  But they shouldn’t wait for that to happen; make the films themselves interesting and learn how to write and create regular films without sex.  I know that Hollywood has digressed towards including more “content” in their own movies, but this would be a cool way to differentiate yourself and to actually surprise people for a change.

But taboos are so old.  So now back to how I find myself amongst the Gen Y when I don’t necessarily feel comfortable there.  At some point in the conversation you are reminded just how old you are.  It could be a cultural reference that they don’t get, or you getting hyped up about something oddly familiar from your cultural vault that is supposed to be something completely new to them.  Then there’s uncomfortable laughter, an awkward silence, let’s move on.  You have either exposed yourself for the fraud you are, or it’s just dawned on you what time it really is.  To you the most beautiful woman is Halle Berry, she isn’t that much older than me could be your age, you could actually see yourself as that one self-righteous guy that can’t understand how her two husband messed up actually getting their chance to make things right, you would treat her right, be that stand up man.

To them the most beautiful woman is Beyonce Knowles, she isn’t that much older than they are or could be your age, they could actually see themselves as that one self-righetous guy that can’t understand why she wants Jay-Z and would treat her right, be that stand up young adult.   They don’t see what’s so great about Halle Berry, you’re not supposed to see what’s so great about Beyonce, but you probably do.  You’re supposed to know better, but ah yes, you can’t, because there is no logical reason to do, unless you’re a hater.  Being a hater is so nineties, eighties even, best not to show your true age.  Given Jay-Z’s age, you’re probably thinking that you really do have an honest chance at her.

I’ve never understood people who go find someone half their age, and I probably should.  Men who had idealized and worshipped intellectualism in a woman that dated a lot of angry feminists in their youth that played them like a chump end up going after the same dumb blondes that everyone else does once they’re forty.  Now they have the money and means to do so, which they didn’t then.  You’re feeling good about yourself, you can get the Ed Hardy t-shirt, and the True Religion jeans, but you’re old school so you’ll nix the True Religion jeans, pull out the Diesel jeans and a Guess dress shirt and a Polo windbreaker and put it all together. You may as well be wearing Nike to the prom.  No, and not just because of the conflict of interests as to what your look says you are about either.  It’s who you are, how confident you are that makes it work.  Guys it’s not about how smart she is, it’s about how smart you can make her, or how smart she can make you feel about the premise that you think you are getting some of that knowledge through to her; emotional intelligence is undervalued yet interestingly priceless in a woman.  Stop trying to be more complex than what you truly are at your core.   

You’re going to get played either way it’s going to happen if it’s meant to happen, your “match”, that woman that stops you in your tracks, could be as young as 21 or as old as 57 get over it and move on.  But back to the age thing, if you’re open to something, you’re advertising and you’re looking, you may not feel so but your subconscious sure thinks so.  That’s about all I’ve learned over the years.  In fact what is supposed to divide us as human beings, out of our own ignorance, has never worked for me, it is rather ineffective.  For me there was always an intellectual curiousity, so I’m either destined to have an unconventional life or I haven’t learned how to kill off who I truly am and just file and rank and play the game already.

A lot of us are telling other people not to do something that we are doing ourselves, just in a different form.  That was the hypocrisy that drove me as a teenager, but now I wonder if I don’t find myself doing the same to those that come after me.  There is so much that you understand, truly understand, that you only have a conspicuous appreciation for at best as a youngster.  The clothing I wore, the stuff I aspired to have, the computers, the culture, the music, the relationships, what my mother was trying to tell me, everything.

So what is a mid-life crisis; do we want to be younger so that we can do it all over again without making the mistakes that we had made at the time?  Date that 20 year old girl, just that now we won’t get our hearts broken or our feelings hurt, we won’t get pressured into getting married we’ll actually get along with their parents, what is it?  Try to wait a while longer, have more of a “friendship” what is it that we’re really looking for?  As romantic as all of that sounds that would so be like, not at all living life as people do at that age.  Those who do the right things aren’t doing so out of experience, they’re doing it from some noble sense of values, albeit niave, that were beat into them.  They don’t understand the emotions behind the responsibility, just fear the consequences to their actions that someone else had to suffer through.

Ideally, your children can look back and say that they had dodged a bullet.  But what is to keep them from going back towards the danger as an adult just because they’re bored?  That’s something we don’t have any control over.  Gen X complains that Gen Y uses for amusement a lot of the technologies they created.  So who really cares, isn’t that a good thing, isn’t it great that at the very least, the generation that followed ours “gets” what we were trying to do instead of critiquing it?  How important is the credit really, I mean it’s nice, but then again so are Grammys and Oscars as well.

Life isn’t about any one person that looks or seems great, it is about the hundreds, if not thousands of people in the background making it happen.  Making it possible for you to see that one person in the first place.  Just be happy and fortunate that you were able to be part of something great.  Your time will come when it is right, and you won’t have to fight over other people to be seen either.  

That much being said I have only lived half of my life.  Is it an optimistic outlook, sure.  But can I afford the luxury of pessimissim this far into the game, not at all …

By now everyone has heard about Megan Meier, the young girl who killed herself in October when she was 13. The details of the story are rather bizzare, and bring up all sorts of discourse about how far we should go in prosecuting a 49 year old woman who, for whatever reason, thought that she could tick off Megan enough through this fake identity to leave a relationship that I guess didn’t even really exist or only on cyberspace or, yeah it’s really weird. If the girl was having a relationship with someone online that didn’t even exist in the first place, I don’t know.

I won’t even begin to understand how a 49 year old got dragged into a fight that adolescents were having anyway, particularly online. How can you intentionally manipulate someone like that online, and not even using your own profile but one someone set up for you at that? What’s worse is that I am to understand that this women actually knew the girl in real life.

People have debated this issue to death about how hypersensitive people who are depressed can be. If you’ve never been depressed or suicidal yourself you would have no clue as how you can magnify these issues. They should have left Megan alone; on the other hand, and what no one really likes to talk about, is that this shows that Megan had been depressed for quite some time, had kept it to herself, and most likely would have found any irrational excuse to kill herself. Opportunity presented itself and she took that fatal leap; some of us come back from that and some of us never get there, it’s that simple.

It’s a sick way of looking at it but again unless you’re suicidal yourself you can’t really comment on it. I’ve spoken on this issue before, particularly with the Virginia Tech situation; what is it about a society that allows so many people to fall through the cracks and so successfully enables so many people to commit suicide that it takes a tragedy like that one, or this one, to really get someone’s attention. I hate to see someone go at such a young age, I mean 13 life can change and turn itself around so quickly you wouldn’t even realize it. You haven’t experienced anything you know absolutely nothing at that age.

Nothing is going to come from this; perhaps the woman will get the full 20 years in jail hopefully she is isolated from the general population and she actually gets to see those full 20 years. We heard about this a while back and had completely forgotten about it except for now that an actual ruling has been reached. We’ll have a few far reaching laws on the books created as a result of it but then they too will be diminished because individuals that already have a problem with some of the perversion that goes on in MySpace and other social-networks will begin using those laws to their own advantage, instead of within the context that they were designed for.

Sure it’s great that there has been some justice, but it won’t have any effect on social-networking at all and certainly won’t change or educate the public about depression or suicide whatsoever. Those are the real issues at stake, because quite honestly, privacy advocates will be protecting anonymity on social-networking sites long after I’ve died of old age. There aren’t any tools that are going to protect anyone from anything as long as the lines continue to be crossed and adults continue to use the sites to do stuff they wouldn’t be able to do in real life; such as confronting the person in real life, as the woman could have, or perhaps she couldn’t because she was so close to the girls parents, yeah right.

What’s even worse is that because it is an incident between an adult and a child we’ll never really know what truly happened. The adult is always the bad one because they are supposed to be more mature and details are almost always left out when the general public gets a hold of the news. At the same time it seems to be that, more and more, adults fail to use any discretion when dealing with children anyway. That same perverse society that treats children like adults and emboldens them and gives them the authority to talk to adults any kind of way and disrespects them on the one hand, goes to extreme lengths to protect them from evil that their own parents should have been more vigilant about fighting against, on the other.

There was no MySpace for me at 13, heck I was still playing with Atari. In fact I didn’t even get to chat until I was like 20, and that was on Gopher using Telnet. But would it have made a difference, perhaps; I had the same old friends and associates and the Internet could have opened up a whole new world to me at the time. I wouldn’t be talking to schoolmates or people I saw every day either to me that seems like such a poor use of the technology but to each their own. I mean there are people across the world you can hook up with, but anyway. But we feared our parents; if we took a plane flight to Greece we just didn’t come back for fear of what our parents would do to us. That’s like, opening up the car door on the way back from the airport and falling out of the car at high speed and running away type of trouble; like you’re no longer welcome in your home anymore.

Yet times have changed, for some the Internet is a fantasy but for others it is quite real. If you don’t already know watch the tapes of that girl getting jumped and beat down that was played over and over again in the news. A reflection of how much different life has become, and how much it is still the same; technology rarely changes anything when it comes to human behavior …

Thanks MSN for showing us how casual encounters can hurt women more in the long run than help them. It’s a great argument against hooking up; actually backed up by some science. But is it anything that any women really wants to hear? First off the reporter being interviewed by the writer; Laura Sessions Stepp, is suggesting that hooking up leads women to suppress their natural, biological desires to play out love in relationships, and causes higher rates of alcoholism and depression in women that are loose and fast than you would find in women that actually practice long term relationships. She also attempts to illustrate how the same women may be unable to develop trust in a relationship, practice relationships in general or have successful marriages.

Such advice crushes and annihilates the arguments posited in Women’s interest magazines and even the guilty pleasures associated with post-modern feminism, of which this type of behavior is aggressively preached. So those experiences come at a great emotional price; this is something that everyone already knew, to an extent, yet that which no one was ever able to admit. Yet it is one thing for a twenty something just playing with this type of behavior and a young pre-teen learning it who may never have a chance at a real future because of it. Whether or not this really changes anyones attitudes in the long term is anyones guess, but it is interesting to hear these arguments come from someone other than a man …

Yes it’s that time of year again. And as usual, a cold front has swept through and left a lot of us unprepared for the change in temperature. I myself was caught off gaurd, yet again, and I’m freezing. So I thought I’d share my typical tips to staying warm, and other reflections on the winter months.

  • Invest in synthetic materials. anything like polar fleece, polyester, nylon, the list goes on, all will go a long way towards keeping yourself warm during these months, and will do a lot to reduce the heavy weight typically associated with dressing this time of year. While materials like polyester, either by itself or in the form of polar fleece, will do a lot to wick away moisture and insulate and nylon will keep the water off of you, newer developments such as Thinsulate can really go a long way towards keeping your head, hands, and feet warm as well.
  • Layer, layer, layer. Simple things like actually wearing a sweater and a t-shirt underneath will make the difference between a debiliating cold where you feel as though you’re on your death bed, or a minor inconvience that you can easily rebound from. If you can’t wear the wool, and your skin is sensitive to lighter-weight wools such as cashmere or alpaca, you should still be able to load up on the synthetic stuff mentioned above.

There are other ways to stay warm though, particularly if you’re lonely, depressed, suicidal this holiday season. I mean we may as well be completely upfront about it, yeah it can be that way, particularly if you’re lost in the city and there aren’t any loved ones around and you’re all alone.

  • Try to find creative ways to reduce the time that you’re alone, and get out there and meet some people. Turn the computer off, remove the MySpace account, and find some creative ways to take up your time by interacting with other people. Volunteer, take up another job or find something temporary to get you through the season. There is plenty to do, from free concerts at churches to activities downtown to seeing holiday exhibits consisting of beautiful Christmas trees and artwork. There’s only so much of watching the same old Christmas movies and programs on T.V. and feeling nostalgic about the old days can do for you. Take advantage of the Christmas party at work if you have to; though I know you probably do not want to see any more of them …