okay so the skinny jeans didn't work out for me so well …

Archive for June 2008

Check out my recently published content on AC:

Why E.D. Hill’s Comments Do Not Affect Me at All Whatsoever

Check out my recently published content on AC:

Susan Lyne Steps Down; Where Does Martha Stewart Living Go from Here?

You know you and your partner have often talked about being closer and developing a deeper intimacy and appreciation for each others sexuality, but what are you doing about it. Those ideas sound good on the surface but how committed is anyone towards actually making it happen? Consider this; a married couple had sex for 101 days straight, considering that they had a three year old it’s very commendable. Considering that they had a seven year old as well is just breathtaking.

In fact, considering that they actually did it, rather than just talk about it; I have to take my hats off to them. Seriously I don’t know if I can do it, even when we were still dating after like a few days straight neither of us had it. You know how it is; now a lot of people talk about having it every day, but I often assume they’re talking about doing so with different people, or maybe that’s like their day job they’re getting paid lots of money to do. This is like, you have to have like the perfect diet with plenty of B vitamins and gaurana and ginseng I don’t know. They say they took a month off after all of this, but it did bring them closer together and fostered a new level of intimacy in their relationship.

After having said your vows and making an honest person out of your spouse this is something that you should be able to do so. No I’m not in the 100 day club, not even the 30 day club, but I can’t say that there weren’t times when membership into the 2 week club wasn’t pending. I think couples look for too many excuses as to why this can’t happen, and singles have entirely too much guilt and are too conflicted to allow this to happen. I mean honestly if the way in which sex is portrayed on television is any indication of what to expect where relationships are over in a matter of days or weeks once people hook up there isn’t any future in actually going for 101 days!

That may have been more than that couple had actually done in their entire marriage, which would be completely normal for most of us. For some of us that may be more than we may see in our entire lives. We shouldn’t obsess over it so much, and realize that if we are married we have every right to do it more times than we could ever count and keep track of. Some singles brag about having had as many partners, as depressing as that is, so we should be able to brag about having done it as many times. Those same people, probably didn’t go 101 days with anyone, so what is wrong with this picture.

This isn’t any reflection or judgment on anyone’s personal life, none of us are perfect. Some of us who were married for 15 years if we were to get a divorce tomorrow would have our inhibitions unlocked and would go on a binge and find 30 people to find trouble with. Particularly most women, because men talk a good game but they never get over the hurt of those relationships with their ex-wives. The society should celebrate and encourage the 101 day post bliss! If everyone would do this there would be a lot less divorce.

An often overlooked alternative to white jeans is bleached denim, which was the norm 20 years ago but is trying to make a comeback for those wanting high-fashion but denim a bit different than the over processed or dark rinse jeans everyone else is wearing. When done right, bleached denim can offer something different from what everyone else is doing, yet oddly familiar to those familiar with denims history.

These days bleached denim will be a lot lighter and more comfortable than it had been in years past. Though bleached denim was associated with blue the last time around white and grey offer a more sophisticated approach than what the best of the eighties offered. The few blue pairs we will mention are definitely worth having in your wardrobe though. The first pair of jeans we’ll look at are these great jeans by Christian Dior.

Dior Homme Bleached Denim Jean 19cm

If you look closely there are subtle blue streaks in the denim. These are also low rise, at only 9 3/4 cm.

An even subtler approach to bleached denim is to go with the color grey instead of white. For example, Cambio Nuria has a great pair of jeans that are also slim-fit, yet bleached just right with elastene to add the right amount of stretch.

Cambio Nuria Slim-Fit Jeans – GREY BLEACHED, 36/6

Tobi, a relatively new website that offers a completely different shopping experience. Offers a completely different take on bleached denim for men. The wash is a very, very subtle grey and you would almost pass them off as a great pair of grey jeans that weren’t bleached at all.

Nudie Jeans Slim Jim Skinny Jeans in Sun Bleach Grey

I love that classic stitching on the back pockets. At 10 inches the rise if very generous and they are slim without being skinny, more of a classic fit.

Dolce and Gabbana brings their expertise with these great fashion forward “COOL” jeans. What’s nice about them is the generous mix of elastine and polyester that keeps the look right for years to come and the boot cut bottom that guarantees the right look with a nice pair of heels.

Chip and Pepper offers a nice bleached denim jean in a very, very, light blue that stands as a more transitional approach to bleached denim than white or grey bleached denim would. Yet the great fit of Chip and Pepper jeans sort of throws convention out of the window, the cut of these jeans is very flattering, a lower inseam but a higher rise.

Chip & Pepper Walk Of Shame in Bella Coola

Why they call these “Walk Of Shame” is beyond me, but I like it. That means a lot of things; but regardless of what you did the night before, these jeans look great, and people will soon forget about all of that, hopefully …

True Religion has a number of pairs of bleached denim jeans. These jeans look white but if you check out the stitching you’ll see that they’re actually bleached.

True Religion Candice in Bleached

As you can see here, bleached denim offers a look that isn’t as predictable as solid denim with a bit of depth that the cut alone can provide. It’s a more refined look when approached subtly, and a definitively more aggressive, unapologetic approach to denim when the bleaching is more obvious. This time around though, with better materials and the addition of materials to make the denim stretch and breathe more it should actually look a lot better than it did in the eighties.

Valentino finally has an online boutique, however I am a little perplexed.  This has to be the smallest possible offering by a major designer online particularly for fans of the core label.  There were three articles of Valentino itself, eleven of Valentino Roma and seven articles of clothing of Valentino R.E.D.

Most of the stuff was already knocked down, and YOOX is powering the website.  This in itself seems a bit odd because YOOX already sells hundreds of Valentino items on their own website at full price.  If anything a store like YOOX should be the place to find the deals, not the flagship site for the label.  There also aren’t any men’s offerings on the website, though you can find men’s Valentino at YOOX. 

Valentino was never much of a men’s designer anyway, the stuff typically selling for a fraction of the price the women’s line goes for.  There are some interesting pieces on YOOX though.

1. This great jacket in military green.  Very hard to pass up though I don’t think I would wear them with jeans as they have it decked out on YOOX though.

2. A Mauve blazer straight out of the eighties.  One of those beautiful colors that I love to wear, though toned down enough to keep the men from hitting on you, a great choice.

3. Every man needs casual pants in his wardrobe.  Perfect for when you don’t need or want to wear denim and want something that doesn’t have to be dry cleaned or washed and hung dry every time you put them on.  These are relatively inexpensive, at only $85. 

4. An often overlooked aspect of Valentino’s men’s offerings is his deadpan sense of humor.  Take this polo shirt for instance, not quite as intense as Dolce and Gabbanna’s irreverence but not that far from it either. 

5. Here is another clean polo shirt, this time from the R.E.D. label.  You always need this in your wardrobe, and thought you couldn’t find it this nice at this price.

6. More good fun with Valentino in a long sleeve t-shirt from the R.E.D. label.

Bottom line, if you’re looking for a good time and want something without the edge of Versace or D&G Valentino has some fun but rare items out there.  He hasn’t reached that saturation point, and his stuff isn’t as strict as Ferre, nor as old looking.   R.E.D. is a great label for those looking for something in the price range of Armani Exchange though tired of Calvin Klein and the Hugo Boss labels.  Very nice price points and something you don’t look too old to be wearing well into your thirties. 

I had to walk away slowly.  My wife was the first to revoke her account, but I tried to hold on.  After all I had a lot of friend requests, mainly from people I didn’t honestly remember but I preferred that to people I would have anticipated hearing from.  Everyone seems to be doing well with themselves; even those that didn’t do anything with their degree had their own businesses.  But I was a fiend; logging in numerous times throughout the day, stressing over posting the right videos and pictures of myself, certainly wasn’t the experience it was supposed to be.

The same people who wondered why I didn’t have any pics never posted any.  One of my friends was spamming people on the site and some people who rarely if ever spoke when I was actually in school started up conversations.  But my responses were often deleted, or reviewed before they were actually posted to the community.  That doesn’t really seem like a friend to me; it’s like someone in real life screening all of their calls with the cell phone, like your number is programmed in there.

In a matter of days I figured that I had really moved on and i was pretty much over the college experience.  It wasn’t personal, just that I needed to move on; most of the people who were active had pleged in organizations and were just continuing the networking they did on campus.  Plus I was adding people on as friends I rarely knew if at all.  But it made me think though; what pulls us back in, other than the nostalgia and to reminisce, are their loose ends that need to be tied, unfinished business, closure that is desperately needed, what is it exactly?

That’s a question I’ll never get answered.  My old lady teases me about my eighties obsession, asking if life is really that miserable now.  It seems like a simpler time, of course that could have been because I was a teenager and didn’t have the responsibilities I have now.  I know there is no real end to that obsession; the irony of which I start out looking for eighties material and always end up back in the present in less than an hour clicking on links.

Perhaps the message in that is that I need to move on.  The next decade may actually be one worth seeing.  This decade seemed dominated by the lousiest government we’ve seen in years and 9/11.  So I found myself for a change, and went out on some job interviews so I wouldn’t spend yet another 10 years on telephones or doing entry level data entry jobs.  I’m still waiting, not holding my breath but waiting still.  Perhaps I was doing the same in the tangled web of the network; stop waiting and get up and do something constructive with your life …

Using your computer for everything but regular computing needs.

This was first brought to mind when I was working back in Ohio upon having a conversation with a fellow employee that wanted me to purchase a computer from him.  I brought up cable television, and he said that he uses his computer for everything and his primary bill was from his Internet service provider.  This was of course like 5 years ago and DSL was still a novelty, but he insisted that it was worth the time to sit by and allow content to load up, because he had complete control over the content.

Fast foward to 2008 and the average computer user is creating the content themselves, and can do for rather inexpensively.  Internet connections are a lot faster; yesterday’s dial up connection is now today’s low speed DSL service and cable companies and telecoms like Verizon are aggressively pushing their fiber services.  Most people do not realize that fiber is part of the infrastructure with your average cable company these days, only difference being that Verizon uses fiber throughout, whereas cable companies run it up to the equipment in your ward.

The way in which the Internet has democratized networking and made it easier to anyone and everyone to create content poses somewhat of a threat to network television, and all other forms of media available.  The first signs of angst were seen amongst record companies, who now realize that peer to peer file sharing networks are not the only way to distribute digital recordings among the masses.  The irony is that computer hardware manufacturers had the technology available back in the nineties, but it took a major name to both popularize MP3 players and legal downloading.

Apple could have taken the low road and just put their iPods out there and left it up to individuals at home to find music.  These days, anything you want to do with multimedia is offered online; high definition content is still in it’s infancy, but you can enjoy it with the right monitor (most analog monitors are still tapping out the limits of their technology, which is often a mere 768 lines of resolution), you can also sit back and choose from more protocols for video on a computer than you can in television, where only the most popular schemes are built into the hardware.

Your operating system probably already supports high definition, just that your monitor may not be up to speed, nor your graphics card.  I barely watch television, and even though great sites such as Hulu exist that allow me to watch higher quality television than I do on YouTube, it doesn’t really fit my needs.

YouTube and Google Video are about the only places you can still find an old videotaped commercial advertising early RCA VCRs that were actually recorded on an RCA VCR.  It’s the only place you will find someone exploring the urban landscape of dead shopping malls, girls showing off playing up the camera to get their 15 minutes of fame and guys doing the latest crunk/snap dance.  On YouTube you can watch thousands of prisoners in Manilla doing choreographed moves to Thriller; or the High School cheerleading squad dancing to Crank Dat Batman.

Before YouTube, you had to pass videotapes around, or watch America’s Favorite Videos.  Those days are so over; so why can’t a decent site like Hulu compete with the eternal amatuer hour over at YouTube?  For one Hulu lacks enthusiasm; I don’t want to see snippets of Die Hard or be told that the only movies available is a B rated movie from 1982.  I’m not interested in seeing the first episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show.  I most certainly do not want to see Family Guy or Friends, because those shows are probably playing in some distant part of the world every hour of the day anyway.

Hulu is a cold, corporate approach to rebroadcasting material, though it is slick and has an easy to use interface it lacks the authenticity that sites like YouTube has.  Sure you can often find the latest music on YouTube months if not years before it comes out, and Google needs to do something about that because while those songs are often AM radio quality they are still there.  But on the other hand Universal has a channel on YouTube where they post their own music videos, and at times without commercials being inserted into the video.  Artists are posting their own videos up there as well.

So why even have a television, other than the slow download speeds?  It still takes about as long as the movie plays to download one on DSL, and that’s not even as DVD quality.  But quite honestly, I’m not even that interested in downloading movies because I’m not that interested in what Hollywood does anymore.  Insulting my intelligence with tripe like another installation of Indiana Jones or yet another remake of the Incredible Hulk movie.  It’s no wonder why Sex in the City the movie broke box office records.

Speaking of Sarah Jessica Parker they have Square Pegs minisodes online.  If you want to watch your video on the run you can watch an entire episode in like 4 and a half minutes.  For those old shows that’s all you really want; watching Square Pegs is more about reminiscing about choppy eighties style video editing and bad acting, nothing more nothing less.  I wouldn’t buy a copy of Square Pegs unless it was in a bargain bin for like 75 cents, and even then you would have to include more than one episode.

I wouldn’t watch an old commercial from the eighties for any amount of money either; but there is a huge interest on YouTube for that type of content.  Often it’s a poor videotape as well; companies should take note of which ads people are watching and then start unloading high quality content on the site.  A Coke ad from 1980 is just as effective as one is today, and can still drive sales; in fact these are commercials that people actually want to watch.

So why let them down, why continue to fight them.  One of my favorite commercials is for something that doesn’t even exist anymore, the World Trade Center.  I don’t know how effective that ad was at the time, but it brings back memories of better days, so I’ll hunt it down and watch it every now and again.  I’ve never been to the World Trade Center, so that is my way of paying homage and keeping the memory alive until I can get back to New York to actually visit Ground Zero.  Unfortunately the movie World Trade Center doesn’t do that for me; too morbid and lacking the disturbing violence that actually occurred on that as the approach was a bit abstract.

I just now got my high-definition working without the picture freezing up; the solution was an old antenna from 1980 that I used to use a cheap 75-300 adaptor for.  The adaptor was $5 and the antenna $3, but it works like a champ.  I can finally watch CBS in high definition again, and you would think that I would but it still pales in comparison to actually being able to make content and have control over what you watch.  I can use software to record the flash and create a playlist and burn all of that to DVD and sit back and watch the games begin.

These days the only reason I even deal with CDs is because I have a player in my car.  CDs are a non-starter these days as everyone has graduated to using hard drives, so I can get them for like 30 cents a pop, could pay less but what for.  I don’t even keep them in my case anymore in fact I can’t even find the CD wallet. 

High definition television is about the only saving grace of broadcasting these as I might watch something I normally wouldn’t just to see the quality of the picture.  The color issues that plagued analog television are a non starter with digital; now you’re just plucking more color depth out of the signal with a better television and aren’t confined to the poor color reproduction that analog offered.  Your cheapest digital television showing high definition content is probably giving you better color than the best media that analog set could ever reproduce.

Whatever happened to actually using your computer for, well, computing?  Well other than writing and visiting some social networking sites like Answers it rarely gets any use.  In fact it’s the non computing needs that are tying my computer down; I insist on loading an hour or more of high-definition content into memory and then have the nerve to get upset when the audio is out of sync or the picture freezes. 

Today the computer is a multimedia type of appliance instead of a real computer.  Everything is pretty and we complain and moan when we are forced to watch anything less than the 24-bit color we’ve become accustomed to.  A command line or a script of any sort, let’s not even mention actually programming the computer for a change, is our worst nightmare.

We’re content to pay the next guy to worry about that; you can’t complain about rock star music producers getting paid a million plus for a beat on a song you’ll forget about in three months when you not only do not play any instruments but haven’t time in your busy schedule to sit down and listen to someone else play one.  No you’d rather get that ear candy; the right sounds at the right pitch with the perfect rhythm to get you into the mood.  The instant gratification that only the most advanced drum machines can afford.

We’re living in a society dominated by cheap content on disposable interchangeable hardware made as quickly as possible in order to get on with it and move on to the next big thing.  No one has a relationship to content anymore, even less so to the actual medium that content is on.  Even the computers themselves, at $400 a pop, are pretty meaningless these days.  I purchased a computer for $100 at the thrift store and installed a Linux cd and suffered through a lot of frustration and angst trying to get it do certain tasks.  But I miss that computer, my Vista machine, which takes care of everything and idiot proofs the operating system, is administrating itself.  It tells me when a website is questionable at best, what hardware I should install and what steps I should take to make the computer faster when it is non responsive.  In fact I rarely have to do anything with this machine so of course I am not learning anything whatsoever about computing.

I have to force myself to do something; there are solutions out there that will work for about anything and everything you need to do, and it’s hard not to.  But this is a day that technologists were anticipating, though I bet few ever realized that computing would eventually render everything else that technology used to offer meaningless and worthless. 

Not really feeling this track, at, all man I don’t know what to say.  Nas, of all people, needs to give his audiences what they want to hear, not what he thinks they need to listen to, and the way the corny chorus breaks in this song “Yes we can, Change the world” plus the dated TuPac sample is really disappointing.  The actual beat during the bars isn’t that much better.

I don’t know why, but the DJ insisted on playing that song after a lot of people said to drop it.  “Got U’r Self A Gun” was a much, much, stronger track.  Hero was a tight track, with Keri Hilson.  He uses a great sample off of one of Obama’s speeches.  Again it’s one of those tracks where Nas says all of the right things, but I think he’s going to loose those people on the outside who he probably needs to reach though.

Another thing, Nas fanboys are coming out like Wayne enthusiasts telling people they’re out of line and aren’t real fans of hip-hop if they don’t like it.  Nas has plenty of hot songs on his record for people to buy the album and support it, and quite honestly, he’s sort of exploiting the situation with Obama potentially becoming president just the way in which he was exploiting the word n* with the old album title. 

I don’t like Nas enough to say that people should listen to him just because he is positive anymore than I thought that people should have bought into Kanye’s rhetoric.  N.A.S. is a solid album, from what we’ve heard of it so far, but so far it’s better than Hip-Hop Is Dead, though it’s too early to really say it’s one of his best or will be. 

One smart thing Nas is doing is hiding his tracks.  You’ve actually had to search high and low to find new singles and it’s uncertain as to which tracks will be on the record.  Again, I like Nas, but I’m starting to question his motives and whether or not people’s adulation of him hasn’t gotten to his head. 

Okay unless you’ve been hiding underneath a rock the last week you realize that one of few things have occurred. First off I’ve found at least one article suggesting that Hillary Rodham Clinton is throwing in the towel, and is seriously looking at actually endorsing Obama. Other sources haven’t went so far but are postulating about the possibility of her being on his ticket as a Vice President.

But what is really important is the way that this is being viewed around the world. First off I haven’t been this interested in a political race since the miscounts in Florida. Secondly, despite the heavy push to Vote or Die, the young democrats were actually motivated, and weren’t dwarfed by Young Republicans who had been involved in the process all along, rather than being rustled from their sleep. By the time came around to actually vote, perhaps those young Dems were caught off guard having realized you can’t wait until the last minute to get your stuff together, because the other party is always working diligently.

But in the interim between then and now we finally got to see things in a new light. Sure John McCain was able to unite his party and create a serious answer to whomever the democratic nominee, but what really happened, was that the Republican party realized that they couldn’t just throw anyone out there, and that they needed a formidable competitor of their own at the end of the day. I mean come on, how many other times had McCain experienced false starts running for President in the past, and who really wanted the other candidates, save Romney, who had a lot of experience in their own locales but just weren’t ready to be President, such as Giuliani?

Was I interested in seeing what would happen if Edwards were on the ticket, sure, because of what he’s done in Virginia. Did I think that Hillary was going to demolish Obama, yeah, because Obama is a newcomer from out of the shadows, not that he doesn’t have a lot of experience as a senator in Illinois, but Hillary goes way back not just as a senator In New York but also has the First Lady. Is this all we’ll see from the Clintons, probably not.

Hillary will show her support for Obama as it is perhaps the best and most fitting thing to do at this point. Plus you have to figure how many other people in the party have already endorsed Obama, such as Edwards. Dare she show up in New York to appeal to her African-American constituency, some of which aren’t ready to forgive her for how she acted out in response to Obama’s campaign; yeah, because memories are rather short and it wouldn’t surprise me if a serious, concerted effort towards improving conditions for African-Americans in the state isn’t underway.

But the real issue is how Barack overcame his most vocal opponent; what we thought would have been some serious infighting in the African-American religious infrastructure over Wright’s comments and his appearance at the press club and further interviews ended up showing us a different side of Barack. Much is made of how Michelle has handled the press, but the real story is how eloquently Obama has shown confidence and remained the quintessential gentleman in all of this.

This is who we need in the White House at this moment. Am I overly confident about Obama’s experience, still on the fence. But do I want another nominee whose wife would overshadow him, as has been the case thus far with the Democrats. Absolutely not; give us a real man for a change, I mean it is long overdue. Most important is that if Obama does go on to take it all the way it would not only be yet another historic achievement for the United States, which we desperately need right now, but it could go a long way towards improving our image across the world.

One article I read the other day quoted an older woman that seemed to be in her sixties as saying that she had never expected to see this happen in her lifetime. Now it isn’t over yet, for example Michelle Malkin is going to address the liability that his wife has become. The idea that Barack’s “bitter half” is going to become the last obstacle he has in the minds of voters isn’t rhetoric or hyperbole, it’s a real issue that he is going to have to address as Michelle comes out even more to the American public (if you haven’t already seen her) and becomes more vocal.

You were naive to expect that her original aesthetically unpatriotic comments were the last you’ve seen or heard from her. Aesthetically because we don’t honestly know if we can merely assume that they’re any more unpatriotic than Wright’s musings were. This is where Barack is going to have to redefine his own position amongst the undecided as to how not only the Black church has taken on the image of being at war with not just America, but the political injustices of this system towards African-Americans but that educated faction of African-American society as well.

Will it be the pot calling the kettle Black, of course, if you haven’t noticed how conveniently the Christian Right has condemned and wrote off America over the last two decades, well, I can’t say much for you. They successfully launched a campaign in America against what America was becoming gathering together ultraconservatives that felt themselves to suddenly be on the outside of mainstream society and were able to put whom they wanted in office. Black America has been at that for centuries; if nothing else all that Wright did was to discourage anyone from voting for Barack; and all the Black establishment did from the very beginning was to question the authenticity of Barack concerning race as though he was a puppet for Whites who really wanted to control the government but needed a gimmick or shtick to do so and found the perfect vessel through which they can do it with.

Not surprisingly, this same argument, in various forms, is being postulated as a reason in which liberals who were behind Clinton should now vote for McCain, and one to move those on the fence who would have voted for Obama, independents, into the McCain camp. It isn’t one that is going to go away anytime soon, as it seems to be effective if you read the various posts from those in forums suggesting that Obama is just another Black Panther wanting to destroy America from within. That’s funny, because the Black Panthers are often remembered as a movement that was destroyed from within as any other movement is; drugs and money.

Yet does that same oversimplification as to why the Black Panthers are no longer relevant do any justice to the idea that a Black liberal as president necessarily is trying to score some shallow points against White conservatives in the name of uniting the country together? What good would it do for us to even begin to address those issues as though we’ve arrived and we could like bring back slavery, and turn it on it’s ear on something. Is there this deep fear that we would do to others exactly what has been done with us, or that we’re serious about tearing down or diminishing all of the institutions Whites have built up over the years in which the perception is often that they are doing everything they can to remain in power themselves?

I guess Russia is going to take over the United States and institute Marshall Law and micromanage our lives as well. I’m just saying, we’re so desperate to hope for the worst, and so in love with the dystopia mindset, there has to be some evil around the bend when it comes to anything that takes us out of our comfort zone. If you look at why we’re at war with Iraq in the first place, all of these mindless and unexplainable connections being weaved together to say exactly why and how we were attacked, with the support of a country that had a problem with us for some time now, it isn’t that far fetched.

The war between neo-conservatives and ultra liberals will never cease, and we’re no where close to being united as a country with respect to those differences. Anyone hoping that Obama could achieve that in four or eight years is a better person than I am. But what Obama can do is continue to encourage discussions that have relied dormant for years, decades even. That in itself may be enough of an achievement towards actually getting Americans to think for themselves for a change. The sheep won’t take over the barn anytime soon, but we can actually stand upright without having a full blown Animal Farm, though there will always be those to suggest otherwise …

Old school Dior

Dior is sick. But most people don’t know much about their men’s label, which is very gender bending and mostly monochromatic, giving that arrogant, yet confident fashion feel. eluxury finally has a decent selection of the Dior Homme, for too long they just had some simple black and white pieces which evoked a man’s approach to classic early eighties woman’s fashion but now they have a more comprehensive selection.

They got me over my unhealthy obsession with D&G and other 90s couture. A while back I had made a lot to do about how all of these older labels, whose designers had long passed on even before American sportswear labels like Polo Ralph Lauren were popularized, had been bought up by these mega conglomerates and were sort of homogenizing fashion. My opinions have changed over the years though, because they had the business sense to give those labels some perspective and actually made them a bit more competitive, removing some of the more artistic high-end fluff and bringing them a bit down to earth.

Thing is I’m not really feeling this years collection though. With labels like Dior a lot of times it is about which hot designers they have working there. For example Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs were the real reasons people wore Gucci and Louis Vuitton back in the day. I don’t know what success Tom Ford has these days with his own label but a lot of people were still with Marc Jacobs when he focused on his own label.

Their denim was a lot better back when I first found Dior on eluxury. Take for example these two examples of bleached denim.

Word from the Bird Denim Jean 21cm

Bleached Denim Jean 19cm

They’ve got the eighties bleached denim thing down, if you can squeeze into them these skinny jeans are for you. But I don’t know if people are really ready to bring bleached denim back though. Everyone has tried to bring them back rather unsuccessfully, and perhaps it may take a label like Dior to bring some long needed chic to them.

On the other hand these dark jeans are right on point.

Rattle Your Cage Denim Jean 19cm

The perfect jeans for those old enough and with the disposable income to do the * right, the way it is meant to be done. These aren’t any fly by night True Religion or Paper Denim and Cloth but a real classic.

On the other hand some stuff about Dior will never change. For example check out this mesh jersey tee, for that rock and roll feel they’re known best for.

Mesh Jersey Tee

You can’t really build anything around that; for one it’s so Versace and Helmut Lang back in the 90s it isn’t funny. So there you have it. Unfortunately Dior is still letting eluxury handle the bulk of their online shopping and I really wish they would just take that over entirely and slowly but surely build a serious presence like Louis Vuitton has done. You know sometimes you can be a bit too exclusive, forcing everyone to take day trips to New York or Paris to get your stuff. So eluxury is great for those that want to take it for a test drive without making too much of a serious commitment.