okay so the skinny jeans didn't work out for me so well …

Archive for June 9th, 2008

I had to walk away slowly.  My wife was the first to revoke her account, but I tried to hold on.  After all I had a lot of friend requests, mainly from people I didn’t honestly remember but I preferred that to people I would have anticipated hearing from.  Everyone seems to be doing well with themselves; even those that didn’t do anything with their degree had their own businesses.  But I was a fiend; logging in numerous times throughout the day, stressing over posting the right videos and pictures of myself, certainly wasn’t the experience it was supposed to be.

The same people who wondered why I didn’t have any pics never posted any.  One of my friends was spamming people on the site and some people who rarely if ever spoke when I was actually in school started up conversations.  But my responses were often deleted, or reviewed before they were actually posted to the community.  That doesn’t really seem like a friend to me; it’s like someone in real life screening all of their calls with the cell phone, like your number is programmed in there.

In a matter of days I figured that I had really moved on and i was pretty much over the college experience.  It wasn’t personal, just that I needed to move on; most of the people who were active had pleged in organizations and were just continuing the networking they did on campus.  Plus I was adding people on as friends I rarely knew if at all.  But it made me think though; what pulls us back in, other than the nostalgia and to reminisce, are their loose ends that need to be tied, unfinished business, closure that is desperately needed, what is it exactly?

That’s a question I’ll never get answered.  My old lady teases me about my eighties obsession, asking if life is really that miserable now.  It seems like a simpler time, of course that could have been because I was a teenager and didn’t have the responsibilities I have now.  I know there is no real end to that obsession; the irony of which I start out looking for eighties material and always end up back in the present in less than an hour clicking on links.

Perhaps the message in that is that I need to move on.  The next decade may actually be one worth seeing.  This decade seemed dominated by the lousiest government we’ve seen in years and 9/11.  So I found myself for a change, and went out on some job interviews so I wouldn’t spend yet another 10 years on telephones or doing entry level data entry jobs.  I’m still waiting, not holding my breath but waiting still.  Perhaps I was doing the same in the tangled web of the network; stop waiting and get up and do something constructive with your life …