okay so the skinny jeans didn't work out for me so well …

Archive for June 7th, 2008

Not really feeling this track, at, all man I don’t know what to say.  Nas, of all people, needs to give his audiences what they want to hear, not what he thinks they need to listen to, and the way the corny chorus breaks in this song “Yes we can, Change the world” plus the dated TuPac sample is really disappointing.  The actual beat during the bars isn’t that much better.

I don’t know why, but the DJ insisted on playing that song after a lot of people said to drop it.  “Got U’r Self A Gun” was a much, much, stronger track.  Hero was a tight track, with Keri Hilson.  He uses a great sample off of one of Obama’s speeches.  Again it’s one of those tracks where Nas says all of the right things, but I think he’s going to loose those people on the outside who he probably needs to reach though.

Another thing, Nas fanboys are coming out like Wayne enthusiasts telling people they’re out of line and aren’t real fans of hip-hop if they don’t like it.  Nas has plenty of hot songs on his record for people to buy the album and support it, and quite honestly, he’s sort of exploiting the situation with Obama potentially becoming president just the way in which he was exploiting the word n* with the old album title. 

I don’t like Nas enough to say that people should listen to him just because he is positive anymore than I thought that people should have bought into Kanye’s rhetoric.  N.A.S. is a solid album, from what we’ve heard of it so far, but so far it’s better than Hip-Hop Is Dead, though it’s too early to really say it’s one of his best or will be. 

One smart thing Nas is doing is hiding his tracks.  You’ve actually had to search high and low to find new singles and it’s uncertain as to which tracks will be on the record.  Again, I like Nas, but I’m starting to question his motives and whether or not people’s adulation of him hasn’t gotten to his head.