okay so the skinny jeans didn't work out for me so well …

Archive for June 5th, 2008

Okay unless you’ve been hiding underneath a rock the last week you realize that one of few things have occurred. First off I’ve found at least one article suggesting that Hillary Rodham Clinton is throwing in the towel, and is seriously looking at actually endorsing Obama. Other sources haven’t went so far but are postulating about the possibility of her being on his ticket as a Vice President.

But what is really important is the way that this is being viewed around the world. First off I haven’t been this interested in a political race since the miscounts in Florida. Secondly, despite the heavy push to Vote or Die, the young democrats were actually motivated, and weren’t dwarfed by Young Republicans who had been involved in the process all along, rather than being rustled from their sleep. By the time came around to actually vote, perhaps those young Dems were caught off guard having realized you can’t wait until the last minute to get your stuff together, because the other party is always working diligently.

But in the interim between then and now we finally got to see things in a new light. Sure John McCain was able to unite his party and create a serious answer to whomever the democratic nominee, but what really happened, was that the Republican party realized that they couldn’t just throw anyone out there, and that they needed a formidable competitor of their own at the end of the day. I mean come on, how many other times had McCain experienced false starts running for President in the past, and who really wanted the other candidates, save Romney, who had a lot of experience in their own locales but just weren’t ready to be President, such as Giuliani?

Was I interested in seeing what would happen if Edwards were on the ticket, sure, because of what he’s done in Virginia. Did I think that Hillary was going to demolish Obama, yeah, because Obama is a newcomer from out of the shadows, not that he doesn’t have a lot of experience as a senator in Illinois, but Hillary goes way back not just as a senator In New York but also has the First Lady. Is this all we’ll see from the Clintons, probably not.

Hillary will show her support for Obama as it is perhaps the best and most fitting thing to do at this point. Plus you have to figure how many other people in the party have already endorsed Obama, such as Edwards. Dare she show up in New York to appeal to her African-American constituency, some of which aren’t ready to forgive her for how she acted out in response to Obama’s campaign; yeah, because memories are rather short and it wouldn’t surprise me if a serious, concerted effort towards improving conditions for African-Americans in the state isn’t underway.

But the real issue is how Barack overcame his most vocal opponent; what we thought would have been some serious infighting in the African-American religious infrastructure over Wright’s comments and his appearance at the press club and further interviews ended up showing us a different side of Barack. Much is made of how Michelle has handled the press, but the real story is how eloquently Obama has shown confidence and remained the quintessential gentleman in all of this.

This is who we need in the White House at this moment. Am I overly confident about Obama’s experience, still on the fence. But do I want another nominee whose wife would overshadow him, as has been the case thus far with the Democrats. Absolutely not; give us a real man for a change, I mean it is long overdue. Most important is that if Obama does go on to take it all the way it would not only be yet another historic achievement for the United States, which we desperately need right now, but it could go a long way towards improving our image across the world.

One article I read the other day quoted an older woman that seemed to be in her sixties as saying that she had never expected to see this happen in her lifetime. Now it isn’t over yet, for example Michelle Malkin is going to address the liability that his wife has become. The idea that Barack’s “bitter half” is going to become the last obstacle he has in the minds of voters isn’t rhetoric or hyperbole, it’s a real issue that he is going to have to address as Michelle comes out even more to the American public (if you haven’t already seen her) and becomes more vocal.

You were naive to expect that her original aesthetically unpatriotic comments were the last you’ve seen or heard from her. Aesthetically because we don’t honestly know if we can merely assume that they’re any more unpatriotic than Wright’s musings were. This is where Barack is going to have to redefine his own position amongst the undecided as to how not only the Black church has taken on the image of being at war with not just America, but the political injustices of this system towards African-Americans but that educated faction of African-American society as well.

Will it be the pot calling the kettle Black, of course, if you haven’t noticed how conveniently the Christian Right has condemned and wrote off America over the last two decades, well, I can’t say much for you. They successfully launched a campaign in America against what America was becoming gathering together ultraconservatives that felt themselves to suddenly be on the outside of mainstream society and were able to put whom they wanted in office. Black America has been at that for centuries; if nothing else all that Wright did was to discourage anyone from voting for Barack; and all the Black establishment did from the very beginning was to question the authenticity of Barack concerning race as though he was a puppet for Whites who really wanted to control the government but needed a gimmick or shtick to do so and found the perfect vessel through which they can do it with.

Not surprisingly, this same argument, in various forms, is being postulated as a reason in which liberals who were behind Clinton should now vote for McCain, and one to move those on the fence who would have voted for Obama, independents, into the McCain camp. It isn’t one that is going to go away anytime soon, as it seems to be effective if you read the various posts from those in forums suggesting that Obama is just another Black Panther wanting to destroy America from within. That’s funny, because the Black Panthers are often remembered as a movement that was destroyed from within as any other movement is; drugs and money.

Yet does that same oversimplification as to why the Black Panthers are no longer relevant do any justice to the idea that a Black liberal as president necessarily is trying to score some shallow points against White conservatives in the name of uniting the country together? What good would it do for us to even begin to address those issues as though we’ve arrived and we could like bring back slavery, and turn it on it’s ear on something. Is there this deep fear that we would do to others exactly what has been done with us, or that we’re serious about tearing down or diminishing all of the institutions Whites have built up over the years in which the perception is often that they are doing everything they can to remain in power themselves?

I guess Russia is going to take over the United States and institute Marshall Law and micromanage our lives as well. I’m just saying, we’re so desperate to hope for the worst, and so in love with the dystopia mindset, there has to be some evil around the bend when it comes to anything that takes us out of our comfort zone. If you look at why we’re at war with Iraq in the first place, all of these mindless and unexplainable connections being weaved together to say exactly why and how we were attacked, with the support of a country that had a problem with us for some time now, it isn’t that far fetched.

The war between neo-conservatives and ultra liberals will never cease, and we’re no where close to being united as a country with respect to those differences. Anyone hoping that Obama could achieve that in four or eight years is a better person than I am. But what Obama can do is continue to encourage discussions that have relied dormant for years, decades even. That in itself may be enough of an achievement towards actually getting Americans to think for themselves for a change. The sheep won’t take over the barn anytime soon, but we can actually stand upright without having a full blown Animal Farm, though there will always be those to suggest otherwise …